Validator CLI



  • Linux x86_64 machine

  • Download executable

VERSION_NUM={put the version number here} && sudo -E bash -c "curl -L$VERSION_NUM/sk-val-$VERSION_NUM-`uname -s`-`uname -m` >  /usr/local/bin/sk-val"
  • Apply executable permissions to the binary:

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/sk-val

Where to find out the latest version?

All validator-cli version numbers are available here:

CLI Usage


Download SKALE Manager contracts info and set the endpoint.

sk-val init

Required arguments:

  • --endpoint/-e - RPC endpoint of the node in the network where SKALE manager is deployed (http or https)

  • --contracts-url/-c - - URL to SKALE Manager contracts ABI and addresses

  • -w/--wallet - Type of the wallet that will be used for signing transactions (software, sgx or hardware)

If you want to use sgx wallet you need to initialize it first (see SGX commands)

Usage example:

sk-val init -e ws:// -c --wallet software

SGX commands


 Initialize sgx wallet
sk-val sgx init [SGX_SERVER_URL]
Optional arguments:
-   `--force/-f` - Rewrite current sgx wallet data
-  `--ssl-port` - Port that is used by sgx server to establish tls connection

==== Info
Print sgx wallet information
sk-val sgx info

Optional arguments: - --raw - Print info in plain json

Validator commands


Register as a new SKALE validator

sk-val validator register

Required arguments:

  • --name/-n - Validator name

  • --description/-d - Validator description

  • --commission-rate/-c - Commission rate (percentage)

  • --min-delegation - Validator minimum delegation amount

Optional arguments:

  • --pk-file - Path to file with private key (only for software wallet type)

  • --gas-price - Gas price value in Gwei for transaction (if not specified doubled average network value will be used)

  • --yes - Confirmation flag

Usage example:

sk-val validator register -n test -d "test description" -c 20 --min-delegation 1000 --pk-file ./pk.txt


List of available validators

sk-val validator ls


  • --wei/-w - Show tokens amount in wei


List of delegations for validator ID

sk-val validator delegations [VALIDATOR_ID]

Required params:

1) VALIDATOR_ID - ID of the validator

Accept pending delegation

Accept pending delegation request by delegation ID

sk-val validator accept-delegation --pk-file ./pk.txt

Required arguments:

  • --delegation-id - ID of the delegation request to accept

Optional arguments:

  • --pk-file - Path to file with private key (only for software wallet type)

  • --gas-price - Gas price value in Gwei for transaction (if not specified doubled average network value will be used)

  • --yes - Confirmation flag

Accept all pending delegations

Accept ALL pending delegations request for the address. List with all pending delegations to be accepted will be shown. After this user should confirm the operation.

sk-val validator accept-all-delegations --pk-file ./pk.txt

Optional arguments:

  • --pk-file - Path to file with private key (only for software wallet type)

  • --gas-price - Gas price value in Gwei for transaction (if not specified doubled average network value will be used)

Validator linked addresses

List of the linked addresses for validator address

sk-val validator linked-addresses [ADDRESS]

Required params:

1) Address - Ethereum address of the validator

Link node address to the validator account

sk-val validator link-address [ADDRESS] [NODE_SIGNATURE] --pk-file ./pk.txt

Required params:

1) Address - Ethereum address that will be linked 2) Node signature - Signature of the node that you can get using skale node signature command from skale-node-cli

Optional arguments:

  • --pk-file - Path to file with private key (only for software wallet type)

  • --gas-price - Gas price value in Gwei for transaction (if not specified doubled average network value will be used)

  • --yes - Confirmation flag

Unlink node address from the validator account

sk-val validator unlink-address [ADDRESS] --pk-file ./pk.txt

Required params:

1) Address - Ethereum address that will be unlinked

Optional arguments:

  • --pk-file - Path to file with private key (only for software wallet type)

  • --gas-price - Gas price value in Gwei for transaction (if not specified doubled average network value will be used)

  • --yes - Confirmation flag

Validator info

Info about the validator

sk-val validator info [VALIDATOR_ID]

Required params:

1) Address - Ethereum address of the validator

Output info:

1) Validator ID 2) Name 3) Address 4) Fee rate (percent - %) 5) Minimum delegation amount (SKL) 6) Accepting new delegation requests

Withdraw fee

Withdraw earned fee to specified address

sk-val validator withdraw-fee [RECIPIENT_ADDRESS] --pk-file ./pk.txt

Required params:

1) RECIPIENT_ADDRESS - Address to transfer bounty

Optional arguments:

  • --pk-file - Path to file with private key (only for software wallet type)

  • --gas-price - Gas price value in Gwei for transaction (if not specified doubled average network value will be used)

  • --yes - Confirmation flag


Set a new minimum delegation amount for the validator

sk-val validator set-mda [NEW_MDA] --pk-file ./pk.txt

Required params:

1) NEW_MDA - New MDA value

Optional arguments:

  • --pk-file - Path to file with private key (only for software wallet type)

  • --gas-price - Gas price value in Gwei for transaction (if not specified doubled average network value will be used)

  • --yes - Confirmation flag

Request address change

Request address change for the validator

sk-val validator change-address [ADDRESS] --pk-file ./pk.txt

Required params:

1) ADDRESS - New validator address

Optional arguments:

  • --pk-file - Path to file with private key (only for software wallet type)

  • --gas-price - Gas price value in Gwei for transaction (if not specified doubled average network value will be used)

  • --yes - Confirmation flag

Confirm address change

Confirm address change for the validator. Should be executed using new validator key.

sk-val validator confirm-address [VALIDATOR_ID] --pk-file ./pk.txt

Required params:

1) VALIDATOR_ID - ID of the validator

Optional arguments:

  • --pk-file - Path to file with private key (only for software wallet type)

  • --gas-price - Gas price value in Gwei for transaction (if not specified doubled average network value will be used)

  • --yes - Confirmation flag

Earned fees

Get earned fee amount for the validator address

sk-val validator earned-fees [ADDRESS]

Required params:

1) ADDRESS - Validator address

Optional arguments:

  • --wei - Show amount in wei

Holder commands


Delegate tokens to validator

sk-val holder delegate

Required arguments:

  • --validator-id - ID of the validator to delegate

  • --amount - Amount of SKALE tokens to delegate

  • --delegation-period - Delegation period (in months - only 2 avaliable now)

  • --info - Delegation request info

Optional arguments:

  • --pk-file - Path to file with private key (only for software wallet type)

  • --gas-price - Gas price value in Gwei for transaction (if not specified doubled average network value will be used)


List of delegations for address

sk-val holder delegations [ADDRESS]

Required arguments:

1) ADDRESS - Ethereum address of the token holder


  • --wei/-w - Show tokens amount in wei

Cancel pending delegation

Cancel pending delegation request

sk-val holder cancel-delegation [DELEGATION_ID]

Required params:

1) Delegation ID - ID of the delegation to cancel

Optional arguments:

  • --pk-file - Path to file with private key (only for software wallet type)

  • --gas-price - Gas price value in Gwei for transaction (if not specified doubled average network value will be used)

Request undelegation

Request undelegation in the end of delegation period

sk-val holder undelegate [DELEGATION_ID]

Required params:

1) Delegation ID - ID of the delegation

Optional arguments:

  • --pk-file - Path to file with private key (only for software wallet type)

  • --gas-price - Gas price value in Gwei for transaction (if not specified doubled average network value will be used)

Withdraw bounty

Withdraw earned bounty to specified address

sk-val holder withdraw-bounty [VALIDATOR_ID] [RECIPIENT_ADDRESS] --pk-file ./pk.txt

Required params:

1) VALIDATOR_ID - ID of the validator 2) RECIPIENT_ADDRESS - Address to transfer bounty

Optional arguments:

  • --pk-file - Path to file with private key (only for software wallet type)

  • --gas-price - Gas price value in Gwei for transaction (if not specified doubled average network value will be used)

  • --yes - Confirmation flag


Show amount of locked tokens for address

sk-val holder locked [ADDRESS]

Required arguments:

1) ADDRESS - Ethereum address of the token holder


  • --wei/-w - Show tokens amount in wei

Earned bounties

Get earned bounties amount by token holder for the validator ID

sk-val holder earned-bounties [VALIDATOR_ID] [ADDRESS]

Required params:

1) VALIDATOR_ID - ID of the validator 1) ADDRESS - Token holder address

Optional arguments:

  • --wei - Show amount in wei

Wallet commands

Setup Ledger

This command works only if you’re using the Ledger wallet

sk-val wallet setup-ledger

Required params:

  • --address-index - Index of the address to use (starting from 0)

  • --keys-type - Type of the Ledger keys (live or legacy)

Send ETH tokens

Send ETH tokens to specific address

sk-val wallet send-eth [ADDRESS] [AMOUNT]

Required arguments:

1) ADDRESS - Ethereum receiver address 2) AMOUNT - Amount of ETH tokens to send

Optional arguments:

  • --pk-file - Path to file with private key (only for software wallet type)

  • --yes - Confirmation flag

Usage example:

sk-val wallet send-eth 0x01C19c5d3Ad1C3014145fC82263Fbae09e23924A 0.01 --pk-file ./pk.txt --yes

Send SKL tokens

Send SKL tokens to specific address

sk-val wallet send-skl [ADDRESS] [AMOUNT]

Required arguments:

1) ADDRESS - Ethereum receiver address 2) AMOUNT - Amount of SKL tokens to send

Optional arguments:

  • --pk-file - Path to file with private key (only for software wallet type)

  • --yes - Confirmation flag

Usage example:

sk-val wallet send-skl 0x01C19c5d3Ad1C3014145fC82263Fbae09e23924A 0.01 --pk-file ./pk.txt --yes

Self-recharging wallet commands


Show balance of the validator self-recharging wallet

sk-val srw balance [VALIDATOR_ID]

Required arguments:

1) VALIDATOR_ID - ID if the validator

Optional arguments:

  • --wei/-w - Show amount in wei

Usage example:

sk-val srw balance 1 --wei


Recharge validator SRW wallet (amount in ETH)

sk-val srw recharge [AMOUNT]

Required arguments:

1) AMOUNT - Amount of ETH to recharge

Optional arguments:

  • --pk-file - Path to file with private key (only for software wallet type)

  • --gas-price - Gas price value in Gwei for transaction (if not specified doubled average network value will be used)

Usage example:

sk-val srw recharge 0.1 --pk-file ./tests/test-pk.txt


Withdraw ETH from validator SRW wallet (amount in ETH)

sk-val srw withdraw [AMOUNT]

Required arguments:

1) AMOUNT - Amount of ETH to withdraw

Optional arguments:

  • --pk-file - Path to file with private key (only for software wallet type)

  • --gas-price - Gas price value in Gwei for transaction (if not specified doubled average network value will be used)

Usage example:

sk-val srw withdraw 0.1 --pk-file ./tests/test-pk.txt

Exit codes

Exit codes conventions for SKALE CLI tools

  • 0 - Everything is OK

  • 1 - General error exit code

  • 3 - Bad API response

  • 4 - Script execution error

  • 5 - Transaction error

  • 6 - Revert error